My Student Loans Have Been Forgiven
I just received my notice that my student loans have been forgiven: $59,109.81. I had been told of a program that forgives student loans of certain types of employees engaged in public service. I applied before and they said I did not qualify but would have to consolidate my loans with them and start all over again to qualify. They wouldn't consider my past payments made. Well I started confessing that that God was changing this rule to my benefit. Fast forward 2 years. HE did it! The change I needed was signed on 10/06/2021. The very change I needed was made to this program so I could get credit for all the payments I had made previously. TODAY I got my letter that they are gone. $0
He Always Takes Care of His Children
I have been working on my bachelors degree for 5 years now. I have worked and attended school for the past years and my parents have helped out in multiple ways. Each year I have stressed about how I am going to pay for school or housing. I am always reminded by God and family that the Lord's got me. He always takes care of His children. This May, I am graduating debt free! I did not have to take one single loan. I also found out that I was accepted into the College of Veterinary Medicine at Oklahoma State. I was accepted on my very first time applying, Praise God! I am believing for an ever bigger miracle of vet school being completely paid off as well!
That Moment Catapulted My Spiritual Life
The sermon two Sundays ago I watched online. The part about the Holy Spirit being a person changed everything for me. If I had heard that before, I don’t remember it. I had also never heard or thought about that it was the Holy Spirit who made light be when God said it. I don’t know why that revelation was so profound to me, but knowing the same Holy Spirit hovering above the face of the waters that made light be is the same spirit in me, was the most profound thing I had ever heard. It hit me so deep in my core that I just wept and wept. The next morning as I asked the Lord to walk with me that day, I stopped myself because I felt like I was skimming over the Holy Spirit, at least in my own mind, because I knew now He was a person. And so I changed my prayer to, Good morning, Holy Spirit. I could barely get the words out of my mouth when I spoke to Him directly because His presence became so heavy that I literally could not speak. His presence totally took the breath right out of me in the most beautiful way. And I just basked in His presence for a very long time. That moment catapulted my Spiritual life.
We Are His Mouth, Hands, and Feet
I am so excited to share what God is doing in the earth. I want to thank Jesus for His blood shed for mankind. Ever since our founding Pastor's and leading Pastor's shared with us "Its all about The "Harvest of souls" and "Give them Jesus" It ignited me to share with people in my everyday walk, and tell them about Jesus saving power from satan's oppression to Heaven's Restoration through His blood and love. There has been 12 salvations and 1 person returned back to Christ. I want to encourage you to know we are his Mouth, Hands, and Feet. People are desperate to know Jesus and His saving power. Lets go get The harvest and give them Jesus!!!!
There is Promotion Coming
On July 6th, Pastor Joseph was ministering on a Wednesday night and toward the end of his message he began to prophecy “there is promotion coming” and specifically called me out (along with a few others) and laid his hand on me. On August 30th, I was at work and my manager came over to tell me that he had put me in for a promotion earlier this year and that I was selected for that promotion which goes into affect September 10th. In previous years, promotions were only awarded once a year which means that if you didn’t get a promotion in May or June then you would have to wait until the following year. So when Pastor Joseph prayed this my natural thought was I would receive a promotion next year. After my manager let me know of my promotion, he also told me how they changed how promotions work and now give them out quarterly instead of annually but I was completely unaware that this change had taken place when Pastor Joseph spoke that over me.